Results for articles with tag 'graphicdesign' (3 total)
The downside of mass is that you lose your cool pretty fast. While domestics have experimented with more upscale/premium lines and a little bit of packaging innovation, they haven't really exploited the opportunities that exist with packaging. With the US design and art community often seen as being at the forefront of trends, it seems an obvious opportunity for the big domestics to work with these guys.
Heineken in Europe has done a lot of the work in this space, with the latest being a collaboration with Parisian packaging design legend Ora-Ito.

Of course, the other mass brand to do lots of cool stuff with graphic designers, was Coke.
Packaging seems like such an easy way for a mass brand to do something interesting and surgical to push into cooler spaces.
Posted by Ed Cotton
Stefan told us a story about his attempt to make a film about happiness and the journey he's been on to discover it and its secrets. This journey has taken him to remote parts of Indonesia and even happiness industry conferences. His basic conclusion is that there's nothing really that's going to make us happier than anything else; weather and wealth included. The secret lies in human's ability and willingness to adapt to circumstances.
However, despite his conclusion, Stefan has managed to carve out a unique space for himself, one that most creatives would envy. He tends to avoid corporate working choosing only to do the most interesting, creative, worthy and potentially happiness inducing projects there are out there.
His work has tended to focus primarily on the worlds of music, art, non-profits and public works. One great project was an assignment from an artist's widow to make her deceased husband famous, his solution started with a uniquely designed book of the artist's work, which caught everyone's attention and led to a documentary special about the artist on German television.
One of his most intriguing projects was an art assignment in Amsterdam, where he used the grid of a public square and 250,000 coins to make a statement about obsession.
Posted by Ed Cotton
Now, Mac Funamizu a web/graphic designer working in Tokyo, Japan has developed some great visuals showing some interesting concepts around the future of search.
Posted by Ed Cotton
Articles for tag graphicdesign (3 total).