Now, Abbey Road, the studio responsible for creating The Beatles sound and inextricably linked to them, is embarking on a brand-building mission of its own.
Together with Freemantle Media it created “Live from Abbey Road”, a TV series being sold to networks around the world. The concept is simple- “capture great live musical performances and place musicians in the world’s most inspiring and creative environment in which to do so, Abbey Road."The show has attracted dozens of musicians and bands including; Norah Jones, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Kasbian and Paul Simon.
For those unqualified to make it onto the show, there’s still hope. Propellerhead, the makers of the famed music software package, Reason, have just created an Abbey Road keyboard module. This allows bedroom musicians everywhere to access the famed Abbey Road sound.
Here are photographs of the Abbey Road keyboards the software samples.

Here’s the microphone set-up for one of the pianos
For those looking to re-create the original Abbey Road, as used by The Beatles, there’s always the definitive 500-page guide “Recording The Beatles”. The book goes into painstaking detail on every piece of recording equipment and the production process for every track.
In an age when the average musician has recording on their laptop, Abbey Road is finding ways to remain relevant culturally relevant by extending its brand through technology and media.
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