7-Eleven, the iconic convenience brand, is on the verge of transforming its business thanks to technology. A development that will take 7-Eleven into the fresh foods arena and, over time, away from the preservatives and frozen food image it has. Working with HP, the first step is technology allowing each 7-Eleven to tailor its offering to a specific geography.
CNN Money Article
Eweek Article
The fact that millions of American eat breakfast on the run poses a huge problem for cereal manufacturers. Recently, a new retail cereal concept emerged called Cereality. At this store, customers can select from 100s of different brands in a home-like setting and are served by employees wearing pajamas. The cereal companies have a vested interest in the success of this venture and the Cereality management is treating the cereal companies as equal partners, sharing data, etc. Think of the power of this concept for testing new products, flavors and packaging. It's a ready made consumer research lab. With so much pressure from private labels on packaged goods brands, perhaps there's an opportunity for them to venture into their own retail concepts like this.
Business 2.0 Article
npr story on cereality
Update: January 2005 Cereality stores are successfull and the company now plans to open 10 new stores over the next 15 months.
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