The role of the site is to help "clients" connect to a creative community and source the precise images they are looking for.

It's an alternative to the time consuming and expensive process of working with artists and the challenge of using a micro-stock agency.
Pixish also incorporates a voting feature that gets the community to vote on the images that best fit the assignment. The reward for artists is the opportunity to get their work published and there are also some prizes up for grabs.
Clearly this idea flies in the face of the established creative process and its unlikely that professionals are going to want any part of this.
The idea here is to level the playing field and let amateurs and young artists have a shot at the big time and build their portfolios. There are thousands of people out there willing to do this and its likely that the quality of their work is pretty good.
It's another example of the combination of the internet and the crowd weakening the power of the expert. We are just going to see more and more of this in the coming months and years.
Posted by Ed Cotton
Spec Work
Really, Pixish is just what us designers call "Spec Work". This concept is done almost exactly the same over at a site called CrowdSpring, which is for graphic design like logos, websites, t-shirts, and posters. I agree the "professionals" typically don't want to have anything to do with this, and it's for amateurs or beginners who want to build a portfolio. The idea is nice, though. Sometimes you want a specific shot and this might be the best way to go about getting it.
Posted by KangarooDeziner on 08/04/2024 05:04 PM
Really, Pixish is just what us designers call "Spec Work". This concept is done almost exactly the same over at a site called CrowdSpring, which is for graphic design like logos, websites, t-shirts, and posters. I agree the "professionals" typically don't want to have anything to do with this, and it's for amateurs or beginners who want to build a portfolio. The idea is nice, though. Sometimes you want a specific shot and this might be the best way to go about getting it.

It appears you don't have Flash installed.
Interesting idea. Though it seems a bit exploitative, there do seem to be people who are happy to have their images used without getting paid in cash. The name seems a bit twee. When I look at it, I think of "pixieish" rather than "publish." It's clear that whatever a "Pixish" is, it has something to do with photography, but less clear that it has anything to do with business. In which case it might be a site for amateur publishers, as well as amateur artists.