pc sales set to slow
The PC makers have missed a chance; instead of redefining the PC, they have tried to redefine their brands by moving into categories they had no experience or expertise in. Gateway is an example of this strategy failing, when it tried to move into consumer electronics.
PC makers need to seize the initiative and try to understand what the PC could evolve into. What consumers could really use? How it could connect together with other home entertainment devices? What its role in the home could really be?
If the manufacturers spent the time trying to answer these questions, we might see the dawning of a new exciting age for the PC.
fortune magazine on the future of the pc
Digital Lifestyles is one company, operating from outside the industy, who has seized the opportunity and dared to be different. Delivering what teens consumers want from a PC, with its hip-e computer.
hip e website
It appears you don't have Flash installed.
I don't know if you can say the PC is boring especially with Windows Media Centre. So many people are bridging their etntertainment devices to their PC especially with the advent of WIFI home networks. <br> <br>Also you forgot the huge market of PC gamers who remodify their computers and tweak their PCs for the best frame rates and graphic processing. And lastly, music, itunes etc. and even Rhapsody are huge for PCs in terms of non utilitarianism and thus entertainment and personal reflection.