U2 are one of the few musical acts around today that can truly be considered a brand.
However, brand U2 has a problem: the brand can easily attract nostalgic 40 year-olds to its music, but getting teens and twentysomethings is becoming a lot tougher.
To achieve this, the band has applied some smart marketing tactics, such as the deal with Apple to connect to the iPod generation. The Apple spots are the first time the band have provided music for advertising, but they did it for the exposure, rather than money.The band also want to infiltratate pop culture in other ways, by getting its music onto TV. Many of the new album's tracks are being used on hit shows like CSI. The band hope TV play translates into much needed radio play.
u2 and ipod
U2 really operate like a great brand; constantly producing new material to remain relevant, using and playing with its signature musical equities(e.g. Edge's guitar sound) and connecting to its fans through high profile tours that are true brand experiences.
However, if this new album achieves mega success as predicted, it will prove that U2's brand genius lies in its ability to appeal simultaneously to at least three widely contrasting audiences, a strength many conventional brands would kill for.
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We can also remember that u2 has a strong rebel / revolutionary brand awarness. It's most popular songs are still the early ones and are daily broadcasted. <br>iPod gets this brand affect from the band and goes hip/rebel a bit more...