Recent research from Scarborough identified the cities with the fastest growing Hispanic populations, those cities increasing by 30%+ over the 2001-2004 period included; Dallas (53%), Orlando (46%), Salt Lake City (43%), Phoenix (41%), Fort Myers (37%), Denver (33%), Atlanta (33%), West Palm Beach (31%) and Houston (30%).
Marketers are paying increased attention to this group, but the notion of treating them as a single entity is misguided, according to Scarborough. Its research identified 5 clusters of Hispanics that make up the population.
Young Americans- 31%
Only 24% are foreign born. They have a HHI of $60k. Only 17% prefer to speak Spanish only. Likely to be the children of the Old Ways and Pioneers.
The Pioneers- 6%
Older at 65 years, but have integrated into the American way of life (only 21% prefer to speak Spanish). They have a HHI of $50k.
Settled In- 17%
Younger than the Pioneers at 43. Have the highest HHI of all groups at $68k. Only 19% prefer to speak Spanish.
Old Ways- 17%
Traditionalists. They have been in the US for over 20 years, but 61% still prefer to speak Spanish
New Lifers- 29%
New to the US, have been in the country an average of 8 years. They are the second youngest group with an average age of 31 years. Not yet assimilated into American culture, 61% still prefer to speak Spanish.
Basically the segmentation suggests the market is split 50:50 with traditionalists vs. modernists. It will be interesting to see exactly how the New Lifers evolve; do they become more like the Old Ways group or closer to The Pioneers?
One thing for certain, treating Hispanics as a single homogenous group, is a big mistake.
For some insight into how the Spanish language might evolve, check out this dictionary definition of Spanglish.
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