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Olga Kotelko, the 91-Year-Old Track Star
Wed Dec 01 18:01:00 GMT 2010
Wed Dec 01 17:57:00 GMT 2010
Video: Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie XX, ?New York is Killing Me? « The FADER
Wed Dec 01 17:54:00 GMT 2010
Downsizing the American Dream: The shrinking house
Mon Nov 22 19:31:00 GMT 2010
Tim Burton's Cadavre Exquis
Mon Nov 22 17:37:00 GMT 2010
BrooklynMap1766.jpg (JPEG Image, 1882x1629 pixels)
Fri Nov 19 07:47:00 GMT 2010
Solar Ivy on a Brooklyn Brownstone
Sun Nov 14 23:07:00 GMT 2010
Why the iPhone app is the Flash homepage of 2010
Sat Nov 13 19:04:00 GMT 2010
This is art- Fiona Banner's Sea Harrier at the Tate
Sat Nov 13 17:46:00 GMT 2010
The Speed Camera Lottery great idea
Fri Nov 12 21:18:00 GMT 2010
twixie a valve based twitter counter
Fri Nov 12 21:13:00 GMT 2010
ReMade- a doc-The Rebirth of the Maker Movement
Fri Nov 12 20:11:00 GMT 2010
Fri Nov 12 20:09:00 GMT 2010
Jeremy Grantham has ?already started to sell? | Credit Writedowns
Fri Nov 12 20:08:00 GMT 2010
a world of tweets
Fri Nov 12 19:42:00 GMT 2010
Paul McDonough's great photos of NYC in the early 70s
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The Edible Schoolyard New York
Fri Nov 12 19:20:00 GMT 2010
World's Longest Yard Sale - Part One on Vimeo
Thu Nov 11 00:56:00 GMT 2010 / Life & Arts - Lightning in a bottle
Wed Nov 10 23:39:00 GMT 2010
Newspapers aren't dead- micro-published journals are thriving...
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There was a time when data was a passive thing; it took time to look through and by the time you had done the analysis, the world had moved on and it was kind of outdated. With advances in computing power, we are now about to enter a new phase in which data, instead of being a component of dusty old reports, is the new gold of business advantage. The faster and more powerful your computer and servers, the faster it can crunch and analyze the data and therefore the quicker you have real information you can act on.
If you take data from multiple sources, look for correlations and key patterns that takes computing power, but if your computers are fast enough, and they are now, you have something.
Here's John Webster on Cnet talking about IBM's recent acquisition of Netezza.
beyond the short-term tactical aspect of the Netezza acquisition is a
longer-term positioning of IBM that is far more significant. Traditional
data warehousing--as a relatively slow process that depends on
reiterative data extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes--is
essentially dead. What customers are now looking for is speed to
information. These appliances offer the ability to parse large data sets
from multiple sources in a nontraditional ETL way and to produce
information in real or near real time.
That, in itself, is a big opportunity. But it gets even bigger when one
looks at what these systems are doing as compared with the human brain.
Our brains take in massive streams of sensory data and makes the
necessary correlations that allow us to know where we are, what we're
doing, and ultimately what we're thinking--all in real time. That's the
same kind of data processing these appliances are after.
It's not often we get to watch a new style of computing emerge and grow.
But that's what I think we're now seeing. Or...translating what I've
said so far into analyst-speak: these appliances represent the emergence
a new computing paradigm that mimics the functioning of the human
brain. Driving the race to the business analytics appliance
opportunity is a race to real-time, competitive business information."
So we've are close to a stage where real-time business intelligence meets real-time behavioral understanding and the net result is something akin to a force of nature.
This is going to turn the marketing world upside down and make digital much more important than it currently is.
Posted by Ed Cotton
The time between observation and conclusion, between description and
prediction, however, has shrunk to almost zero. There are no more
lapses between news, analysis, background story, industry trend story,
and intellectual dissection; they have become one and the same, at the
same time."
Tim Leberecht- CNET
Posted by Ed Cotton
Articles for tag analysis (2 total).