Results for articles with tag 'psfk' (5 total)

We have 5 tickets left for tomorrow's event!!!
The recent blog post on "Why agencies need labs" forced me to re-think the idea of our "Meet the Makers" conference in NYC on December 3rd.
It struck me that conference is the wrong term, it smacks of the past, boredom, lack of interaction, stale sandwiches, poor lighting and a lousy venue.
"Lab for the Day" is much better term and truer to what we plan to deliver.
Inside the corporate world, the mind is somewhat constrained by the realities of the endless "to do" list- space for thinking and inspiration is sometimes hard to come by.
Our "lab" is a chance to change that.
To explain more, our lab is about "Making" and is designed to provide inspiration from the makers themselves, those who have work directly with them and is all about about the act of making. The "lab" seeks to provide some rules, tools and instruction sets on how to "make" good things.
And in true lab style, we will be conducting a number of experiments.
Here are the key themes and speaker specifics.
Making and Re-Making Brands
Ashley Alsup, has spent time making-over Burger King at CPB and has some interesting thoughts on why corporate America needs to re-make itself and how to do it.
Mark Barden of Eat Big Fish is going to do an experiment with the audience to get them to help him think and re-think about a brand he's personally involved with.
Real Makers and Creators
Scott Belsky, the founder of Behance, recently wrote the best-seller, "Making Ideas Happen", is going to tell us how we can all have best sellers.
Jim Wexler makes games for a living, he's going to be talking about the ingredients for good games and talk about how and why games are going invade and become a much bigger part of our lives.
Thomas Callahan left his job in the corporate art world to make bikes by hand going to tell us what he does and why he does it.
Time Magazine was one of the first magazines to re-make itself for the iPad, the most intriguing new media platform for years. Time's DW Pine is going to tell us how they did it with considerable constraints and what they are learning about how to evolve the experience.
For another take on the future of magazine publishing, Sarah Rich is going to be sharing lessons from the 48 hour magazine project, Longshot, which she describes as follows..
In May 2010, we conducted a two-day media experiment. 8,000 people signed up, 1,500 submissions came in, 35 editors selected 70 pieces to fill a 60-page magazine.
People liked it. We broke our distributor's sales records, received positive reviews in The New York Times, PBS, and the Village Voice, and won a Knight-Batten Award for Innovation in Journalism. Here, we present selected work from the print edition of Issue Zero.
Frank Rose has spent the last two and a half years researching the past, present and future of storytelling for his new book, "The Art of Immersion". He's talked to James Cameron, the creators of Lost , the people behind Tron Legacy, and many others, about the evolving process of storytelling and what it's going to take to tell a compelling story in the C21st.
Gary Hirsch gets people "out of their shells" for a living and inspires them to develop great ideas with others. He's going to lead an experiment to get us to create a character, one of the most critical components of any story.
Creative Output and Opportunity
Finally, Piers Fawkes of PSFK is going to challenge the audience to create compelling ideas for a fascinating project for the United Nations.
We believe it will be a fascinating day and a "lab" in the true sense of the word.
If you are interested in registering for the few remaining places, you can find out more here.
We are thankful for the support of our media sponsor, PSFK
Posted by Ed Cotton
The report focuses on the technosocial advances that are transforming healthcare worldwide and gives some fantastic examples that have been broken down into three core themes;
1. Communication
2. Feedback Loop
3. Tools

Within these themes are the manifestations that are broad ranging and show just how much impact technology can have on the health of those in the developed and developing worlds.
Some examples include;
SMS technology- allows doctors to connect with patients or other doctors, send health information to teens and even track fake medicines
Mobile video, internet- Share symptoms with other professionals, social networks for patients suffering from specific conditions..
Hyper-local networks- For disasters, for local information sharing.
High-powered, smaller hardware- Takes the hospital out of the hospital, connects microscopes to mobile phones, makes cancer scanners handheld
and many more....
The Future of Health report is a veritable gold mine of information and has hundreds of examples of how technology will change the face of healthcare worldwide.
The report can be found here.
Posted by Ed Cotton
The event will be held in London (King's Place) on January 30th and features a line-up of really interesting folks.
Some standouts for me are:
Mark Earls- thinker of all things Herd
Sophie Howarth- founder-School of Life
Matt Jones- founder- Dopplr
James Ettinghausen- Director of Digital, Penguin
Cameron Leslie- Founder, Fabric
You can sign up for the event here..
Posted by Ed Cotton
On July 17th, Piers is hosting a conference here in town and I am flattered to have been asked to speak.
It looks he has already lined up a great bunch of presenters, including some friends and people I've been wanting to meet for some time;
Adrian Ho, Zeus Jones, Andrew Hoppin, NASA, Chris Riley, Apple, Eric Ryan, Method, Jean-Marie Shields, Starbucks, Mark Lewis, DDB, Polly LaBarre, CNN, Rohit Bhargava, Ogilvy PR.
NOTE: This is a partial list.
More details on the event can be found here.
Posted by Ed Cotton
On 1st June, PSFK presents a series of presentations and discussions by leading innovators over the course of a day. The morning will focus on evolving new trends and ideas; the afternoon will look at future design and new marketing.
Confirmed Speakers
Niku Banaie, Naked Communications
Mike Butcher, TBites
Russell Davies, Open Intelligence Agency
Régine Debatty, We Make Money Not Art
Jeremy Ettinghausen, Penguin Books
John Grant
Tamara Giltsoff, OZOlab brand
Beeker Northam
George Parker, Madscam
Iain Tait, Poke
Diana Verde Nieto, Clownfish
Faris Yakob, Naked Communications
Johnny Vulkan, Anomaly
Many more speakers to be confirmed. Register your interest in attending this conference here.
Articles for tag psfk (5 total).