Wieden &Kennedy;/U2's spots for ABC Network's coverage of the World Cup, capture the power the game has to rise above the field and bring people and countries together.
Now the event is fully underway, you can see this happening around the web, as communities and environments are springing up that allow people from around the world to share their thoughts and ideas.
Some examples are listed below: Puma's- Adopt a German campaign Nike's Joga community World Cup Blog- a site with a blog for every country competing in the tournament
The Guardian newspaper does minute by minute match reports and encourages contributions via email from fans, England being called Germany by US commentators, didn't go unnoticed by English fans.
3,600 photos at one of Flickr's World Cup photo sharing groups
The challenge for brands and media is to sustain the communities beyond the 3-week duration of the Cup that takes place only every four years. The secret is to build around players and teams and to energize the community with content both online and off. Nike's Joga3 soccer tournament is a great example of an offline effort. Joga's 3 on 3 competition has attracted 1 million participants and it's anticipated that 3 million people will take part by the end of the competition. This is an experience that people will talk about and Nike has the potential to run every year.
Every World Cup nation in London
The BBC's local website for London has spoken to people who live in the city that are from every nation taking part in the World Cup. It just shows you why it's probably the most multi-national city in the world.
<br>http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/sport/londons_world_cup/country_index.shtml Posted by Matt Barbet on 06/14/2006 11:10 AM
The BBC's local website for London has spoken to people who live in the city that are from every nation taking part in the World Cup. It just shows you why it's probably the most multi-national city in the world. <br> <br>http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/sport/londons_world_cup/country_index.shtml