wired does a crowdsourcing experiment (37.86252172252514 , -122.50150680541992)
Assignment Zero is a great initiative from Wired magazine, it's open sourced journalism. The first big assignment was ironically, the topic of "crowdsourcing", Assignment Zero's own "crowd" interviewed Wikipedia super contributors, photo editors who buy micro-stock, the folks who created Bar Camp, Innocentive (Eli Lilly), Crowdspirit, the photo agency Scoopt, etc...
In all, the crowd conducted 80 interviews.
Crowdsourced journalism has been done around the world in various guises, but what makes Wired's effort stand out is the clear and well managed editorial process. The "crowd" were guided into the assignment, briefed and helped, rather than just left to go for it.
Like an effort to tap into users, it helps when the brief is good.
Think about how other publications can use "crowds" as "research army" to help journalists piece together elements for stories and as additional content that can be accessed by readers looking for the source material.
Wired Not The Only One...
NowPublic.com has been doing this for awhile now, including guiding users, briefing, etc. Posted by Phil on 06/06/2024 06:30 AM
Good posting. I opined on <a href="http://bernaisesource.blog.com/1628995/"> Assignment Zero </a> a while back. My two cents: If this is successful, crowdsourcing may lessen the need for professional reporters. But I am not going to throw stones from any glass houses. For if journalism can embrace ?amateurs? to write the news, there is no reason to believe that clients won't seek amateurs to pitch it. Posted by Dan Greenfield on 06/06/2024 09:11 PM
NowPublic.com has been doing this for awhile now, including guiding users, briefing, etc.